The Void We Leave

How does it feel to get older?What does it mean to feel completely lonely? How does it feel when the body betrays you?What will be left after I leave this world?“The Void We Leave” is an ongoing personal project in which I was trying to use the photographic medium to confront my greatest fear—time—and my fear of passing away.In 2014, a chance encounter led me to meet the members of an aging community living in a crumbly apartmentcomplex in the town of Cienfuegos, in central Cuba. Although approx

The Void We Leave

How does it feel to get older?What does it mean to feel completely lonely? How does it feel when the body betrays you?What will be left after I leave this world? “The Void We Leave” is an ongoing personal project in which I was trying to use the photographic medium to confront my greatest fear—time—and my fear of Aging. In 2014, a chance encounter led me to meet the members of an aging community living in a crumbly apartmentcomplex in the town of Cienfuegos, in central Cuba. Although approximat