The void we leave by oded wagenstein


“…all the days of his vain life which he spendeth as a shadow, for who can tell a man what shall be after him under the sun?”
Ecclesiastes 6-12

In 2014, a chance encounter led me to meet the members of an aging community, living in a crumbling apartment complex in the town of Cienfuegos, Cuba. Although approximately sixty years of age separated between us, we bonded almost immediately. I returned to visit them a few times per year since.
On my subsequent visits, I returned to find apartments turning empty. The tenant left the world, leaving a few personal objects behind and the void between the walls. Those walls witnessed so much: relationships and birthdays, joy and sadness. Now, they stand in their solitude. Soon, the government will lodge a new tenant in the apartment and walls will be painted again, until they too will become another layer of paint on the wall.

Oded Wagenstein
Leonada Gelato Machena, in her one-room apartment.
Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.


Oded Wagenstein
Moria Antonia Gomez’s one-room apartment

Tereza Boniza in her bedroom. On the wall (left) a picture of her mother when she was young.
Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.
Colorful objects pasted on a wall in a one-room apartment.
Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.
Delphine Fernandez, in his small one-room apartment, surrounded by images of Lenin and studies of Marx. Every day, he wears the uniforms from his work at customs, even though he retired a long time ago. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.
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Havinyo Agiar’s image reflected through a broken mirror in his one-room apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.
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Delphine Fernandez’s apartment after he passed away. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.

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Ilama Bural Morachon in her apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.
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Michael Reynaldo in his apartment. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.

Onelia Katyo - oded wagenstein
Onelia Katyo, watching the street through her apartment’s door. Anyone who is passing by Onelia’s door is her potential friend: a passing neighbor, children on their way to the nearby school, even a stray cat. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.
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An empty bed of a deceased tenant. Most of the community’s elders are living alone. When they pass away in their houses, they are usually by themselves. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.

oded wagenstein
Berta walking down the hall. Cienfuegos, Cuba / Oded Wagenstein.